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Republicans face angry town halls

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Following their vote to end Medicare, House Republicans are getting an earful from their constituents.

He Sees Nothing

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How many politicians do we know who have Sergeant Schultz's philosophy of life?

The Republican Party is not fit to govern, but can they still win?

The Republican Party and their spokesmen are attacking Obama on every front, on every issue, on every proposal, on every action or lack of action. There is no let up. There The Republican Party desperately seeks to govern again at all costs, even to the detriment to the American people. The Republicans have only one comprehensive strategy which is to malign and try to delegitimize Obama personally, his administration, his policies, and the Democratic legislative agenda.


A Village Cannot Reorganize Village Life To Suit The Village Idiot

On a recent edition of The Rachel Maddow Show, Rachel interviewed Frank Schaeffer, the author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back . Mr. Schaeffer had some rather provocative perspectives on the evangelical sub-culture in the United States today:

Schaeffer: … The mainstream not just media but culture doesn’t sufficiently take stock of the fact that within our culture we have a sub-culture, which is literally a fifth column of insanity, that is bred from birth through home-school, Christian school, evangelical college, whatever, to reject facts as a matter of faith.

Screaming Republican Thugs

     The Democratic National Committee has issued a television ad about the well-orchestrated mobs who have no ideas of their own but want to destroy President Obama's health care plan.

One More Reason Why Rush Limbaugh is Creepy

      This weekend, former Vice President Dick Cheney called hate-monger Rush Limbaugh, "a good friend. I love him. I think he does great work and has for years," Cheney said. "I think Rush is a good man and serves a very important purpose."

     With Dick Cheney on your side, you don't need enemies.  The last good friend of Dick Cheney got shot in the face .... by Dick Cheney.



Pigs At The Trough

      One of our members recently found what he thinks should be our campaign song for the upcoming election to describe our Republican friends. 
     Give a listen to Texas singer/songwriter Hank Woji's "The Pigs at the Trough" by clicking here
     If you're not somewhere you can listen, you can read the lyrics by clicking "read more" at the bottom of this entry.

One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It's hard to tell the truth from comedy ----

Fort Bend Republican Messes

As I’m sure you’ve heard, if you read a newspaper or any blogs in Texas, our local Republican Party has fallen apart like a three dollar suitcase in a gorilla cage.

Dude, Really?

Honey, Republican men are dropping like flies. But, this one takes the cake!

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Minority House Republicans, already reeling from a sex scandal that prompted one member to quit, have severely disciplined a Vancouver lawmaker for inappropriate remarks to a female staffer.


No, no, wait. Don't quit reading. Seriously, read on. It gets better.