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Skip's blog

Democrats Must Find Their Voice and Challege Republican Lies

As the Party of No moves even farther to the Right it displays an even harder edge to their attacks. Most Democrats have shied away from confrontation and hope that the Republican extreme and patently false statements will not be bought by the electorate. We should know better by now. The reactionary philosophy of the Republican Party is not shared by the majority of Americans so the Republicans don't waste much time on that until they secure an election and are able to have their way to promote or protect their special interests, Their winning formula is to divide or suppress the Democratic vote and manipulate public opinion using wedge issues and massive negative advertizing. The negative advertizing is then repeated ad nauseum as "talking points" by prominent spokesmen and Fox News all the way down to the tea party folk. The most troubling thing is there is no brake on their spin and manipulation, and they are getting better and better at demonizing government in general and the Democratic administration in particular. 

Why I Am Running for Precinct Chair

Dear Fellow Democrat,

My name is Morris E. Belt, Jr., but most know me by my nickname "Skip". I, my wife, Judy Belt, and family have lived at 2810 Hampton Dr. Missouri City, Texas since June 1976. I am a long time Democrat even when we were very few. Now the trend is very favorable to turn Fort Bend blue. We need good broad based leadership to make it happen soon. I am asking for your vote for Chairman of our Precinct 2030. My focus is promoting other true Democrats and not running for office or promoting myself.

Republicans Have No Shame

The Republicans have no shame and no limits on their political attack. I am inspired by the outpouring of kindness and charity of the American people to comfort and assist the Haitian people in perhaps the worst natural disaster in memory. I believe we are seeing the true and sincere nature of our people and our government and nongovernmental organizations.

The Republican Party is not fit to govern, but can they still win?

The Republican Party and their spokesmen are attacking Obama on every front, on every issue, on every proposal, on every action or lack of action. There is no let up. There The Republican Party desperately seeks to govern again at all costs, even to the detriment to the American people. The Republicans have only one comprehensive strategy which is to malign and try to delegitimize Obama personally, his administration, his policies, and the Democratic legislative agenda.


The Democratic Party has Good Leadership

I am so thankful for the leadership of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama. We Democrats have prevailed with the narrowest of margins and have two meaningful bills to reform heath insurance that now await reconciliation and final passage into law. We are not there yet, and we know we will have absolutely no help from the reactionary party. The question remains, will the left of our party in the House join forces with the Republicans to scuttle this historic first step if it doesn't have a public option for the currently uninsured.

Response to those Democrats crying "kill the bill"

Politics is still the art of the possible. But for the progressives who are so agitated over the fact that we do not have the votes in the Senate to get the either the public option or Medicare buy-in, have preferred to burn down the house, commit a public and "honorhealth careable hari-kari", vilify their leadership, and set the Democratic Party up for a fractured and weakened status to confront the many important issues before our nation.