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The Republican Party is not fit to govern, but can they still win?
The Republican Party and their spokesmen are attacking Obama on every front, on every issue, on every proposal, on every action or lack of action. There is no let up. There The Republican Party desperately seeks to govern again at all costs, even to the detriment to the American people. The Republicans have only one comprehensive strategy which is to malign and try to delegitimize Obama personally, his administration, his policies, and the Democratic legislative agenda.
Think for a moment what it would be like today if McCain and Palin had won the presidency and that the Democrats had not achieved a bare 60 vote majority in the Senate. Can you think of any domestic or foreign crisis that McCain and the Republican Party would have handled better than Obama and the Democrats? Going forward, try to imagine McCain relying on the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party for inspiration.. My personal opinion is this: A Republican administration and agenda would be a disaster for the country, just as was the Bush Administration. Potential Republican gains in Congress, the state house and courthouse would weaken the Democratic momentum to reform and make our country stronger and more just for all. In my opinion the Republican Party is now a regional party that is not fit to govern the county. It is blind to injustice and inequality, protective of wealth and privilege, and is dependent upon special interests and upon intolerant and prejudiced people. It is mired in a right wing ideology that strangles any pragmatic effort to solve the problems facing us...
The Republicans may be everything I have opined. They may be bankrupt of ideas and may not be worthy of governing, but the question remains, can and will the Republican strategy work to defeat Obama and the Democrats? My answer is yes, if the Democratic Party defaults to the Republicans because of laziness, disunity and failure to build hope and counter the negative message of the Republican Party.
The electorate in
There were many new energized Democratic voters in the presidential election. Now many display a growing apathy and disenchantment because of the slowness of reform and economic recovery. We must realize that even our local and state politics are an integral part of the movement of reform and change. To accomplish anything in a democracy we must have the votes. Just being well intentioned and politically correct without sustained effort just doesn't cut it. There is a lot of inertia in the status quo and entrenched special interests.
This is not a presidential election and there is no single local Democratic candidate that will carry us all. The key to success is simple. We must get out the Democratic vote or we will surely default to the Republicans in all contested races. We must rally around forward thinking and active leaders and coordinate the efforts of Party, Clubs, activists, elected officials and candidates to achieve what is now possible…a new Democratic victory in our county and State. Otherwise, visualize the alternative.
The base of the Democratic Party generally carries much of the load of fund raising, organizing and persuading others to vote. Their vote numbers and their influence on the Democratic message and voters will determine the outcome of the midterm elections. This not the time to sit on our hands and pout. It is a time to get mad at the Republicans and stop attacking our own. We need to get busy and put egos and personalities aside for the benefit of the people. With a unified effort we will win..
Skip January 11, 2010
So who is leading the Democrats in Fort Bend County? Who is leading the top of the Democratic ticket in Fort Bend? Doro Olivo or Ron Reynolds? Yikes.
Doro Olivo and Ron Reynolds are fine people and don't deserve to be a foil for your attempt at sarcasm. They are two of many true democrats that put people first and give of their time and talents within the Democratic party. They are particularly outstanding when you compare them to the current Republican incumbent office holders.
Because there have been very few Democrats holding office in Fort Bend for almost 30 years, Republicans probably are unaware of their presence. Rather than being attacked by their right wing neighbors many Democrats like me in predominately Republican neighborhoods suffered in silence. But times they are a'changing.
More Democrats are saying enough is enough. More will come forward as leaders and as followers to change the political landscape in Fort Bend County and the State. At this time I am just helping to ring the starting bell. I hope the Republicans stay unaware of the change that is coming until after the November elections. I expect great Democratic gains this election season, and we won't be deterred by anonymous naysayers.
So what Democrats to you predict will unseat Republicans in Fort Bend County in November 2010?
All of them.