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General Bill Enyart: Taking a Stand for the Middle Class

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General Bill Enyart led the Illinois National Guard's deployment to Afghanistan... and led emergency operations when disasters hit home.

Appointed by a Democratic Governor, and promoted by a Republican President ...Enyart's fought to protect his family, and yours.

Career Insider Rodney Davis: Enough is Enough

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And Rodney Davis? He was right in the middle of it... named on the infamous George Ryan clout list of political favors. He was even given a job in Governor Ryan's office. A career insider...he's taken nearly one million dollars in taxpayer-funded salaries. Rodney Davis? In Congress? Enough's enough.

Great Republican Presidents

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How great Republican Presidents from Lincoln to Reagan used government to advance education, build our interstate highway system, save Social Security, increase funding for the arts and implement many of the other programs that have made America a better place for ALL of us.

The Newsroom - American Taliban Speech

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-    Ideological  purity
-    Compromise as weakness
-    A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism
-    Denying science
-    Unmoved by facts
-    Undeterred by new information
-    A hostile fear of progress

Elizabeth Warren: Still

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Why do women have to fight the same old battles? Women still don't get equal pay for equal work - Republicans blocked that, and even pushed a law that could have denied insurance coverage for birth control. We're still fighting to protect a woman's right to choose nearly 40 years after Roe v. Wade, and we could be just one Supreme Court justice away from losing it.

Republican Women for Obama

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Republican women share their history with the Republican Party and how the party's views are no longer aligned with their own. They don't support Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and share how Romney and Ryan are wrong for women.

As they share: "If you truly believe in a small government. That government shouldn't be deciding what I can and cannot do with my own body."

Dan Benishek: Showing His True Colors

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We thought we knew Dan Benishek. But in Congress, Benishek voted to essentially end Medicare. And raise costs on seniors by over $6,000 a year. He even voted to give members of Congress taxpayer funded health care. For life. Gutting Medicare and looking out for himself. It didn't take long in Washington for Congressman Benishek to show his true colors.

Really Out of Touch: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan

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When women hear about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's plans for women's health, they are appalled. Romney and Ryan are out of touch and harmful for women's health in America. Planned Parenthood Action Fund will be making sure voters know exactly where Romney and Ryan stand. We will be mobilizing our more than 6 million strong network to fight for women's health come November.

The GOP Threat to the Environment

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If there's one issue that hasn't been talked about enough in this election, it's the environment.


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After losing in 2010 for being too extreme, Tea Party candidate John Koster wants to cover up his extreme views...

Koster can't hide from the truth about his Tea Party extremism.
