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2012 Election

Get Your Free Women for Obama Bumper Sticker

9 President Obama stood up for women—from fighting for equal pay to protecting a woman's right to choose and cracking down on gender discrimination in health care.

Let everyone know you've got his back this November—get your free Women for Obama bumper sticker.

Mitt Romney Versus Reality: Auto Recovery Edition

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Mitt Romney continues to distort reality in this edition of "Mitt Romney versus Reality"

"This fantasy that the auto bailout was Romney’s idea is beyond lunacy in light of the intense criticism he leveled at the President just a couple of months ago when he said “the president tells us that without his intervention things in Detroit would be worse. I believe that without his intervention things there would be better.” In 2008, Romney said, “IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye,” and in 2012 he argued that “Obama should have let the free market work and allowed GM and Chrysler to go through a managed bankruptcy” which is what he now claims the President did with the bailout that is not remotely what a managed bankruptcy entails. A managed bankruptcy is more akin to a Chapter 11 bankruptcy that involves reorganization of a debtor’s business affairs and assets but it does not include a bailout by the government that Romney assailed as “crony capitalism on a grand scale.”

Beating Kesha Rogers

By Steve Brown

What if I told you that a candidate in the Democratic Primary would like to have President Barack Obama impeached? What if I told you that she’s a thirty-something, photogenic and articulate African American woman? Finally, what if I told you that two years ago she actually won the Democratic nomination for Congressional District 22, and went on to enter the general election by viciously attacking our President? If you are not already aware of this person, then let me introduce you to Kesha Rogers.

President Barack Obama's remarks at the Ready to Go Rally

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This is a turning point for this campaign. Starting today with these rallies, we're entering a new stage -- and we don't intend to slow down until the last voter weighs in on November 6th.

Take this moment to do your part to keep building. Make a donation today: POTUS Rally

Bill Maher Criticizes Mitt Romney's Donations To Mormon Church

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During last week's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the irreverent comedian blasted GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for donating money to the Mormon Church rather than to a more worthy charity. Instead of reining in his attacks on Romney and Mormonism, he sharpened his criticism during his New Rules segment in Friday's broadcast of HBO's political comedy show.

Republicans' Majority Is In Jeopardy

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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) released a web video, "In Jeopardy," featuring reaction to Speaker John Boehner's stunning admission that the House Republican Majority is in jeopardy. Boehner said Republicans face "real challenge" in this November's election and could lose the House.

Romney's Swiss Bank Account

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"Swiss Bank Account" highlights Mitt Romney's belief that a strong economy is built on outsourcing, loopholes and risky financial deals. As a corporate CEO, he shipped American jobs to places like Mexico and China. As governor, Romney outsourced state jobs to India, and now as a candidate for president he is pushing tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

Romney's economic scheme stands in stark contrast with President Obama's efforts to continue moving the country forward by rebuilding an economy that's meant to last, by out-building, out-innovating and out-educating the rest of the world, and making the things the rest of the world buys by closing loopholes and providing incentives that are bringing jobs back to America.

Cynthia Nixon - Women's Health and the 2012 Election

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Since January of last year, bills targeting women's health have been introduced in all 50 states. But women will remember who turned their backs on us and who voted to keep us healthy. On Election Day, women will be fighting back.


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The video outlines the challenges America faced as President Obama took office at the height of the worst recession in almost a century and details the progress that has been made reclaiming the security of the middle class and building an economy that's meant to last, where hard work pays and responsibility is rewarded.