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2012 Election

Barbara Gardner for 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3

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I promise to bring balance and fairness to the Court of Appeals by applying the law equally to everyone, which currently is not done.  More information at: Barbara Gardner

Questions for the candidates, anyone?

18 The League of Women Voters of the Houston Area is looking to gather your suggestions as they prepare their VOTERS GUIDE for November, 2012. Would you like your question answered by the candidates for all to read? Email your questions to They're waiting to hear from you.

6/11/12: White House Press Briefing

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White House Press Briefings are conducted most weekdays from the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room in the West Wing.

Marc Anthony: "The President has our Back."

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Marc Anthony shares why Latinos are a force that will help decide the 2012 presidential election and how President Obama is standing with Latinos on issues including jobs, education, and immigration. As he says:

"The President has our back, so it's time to let him know we've got his. Go to and get involved today.

Marc Anthony: "El Presidente nos Apoya."

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Marc Anthony asegura que los Latinos serán una fuerza electoral en la elección presidencial del 2012 y comparte cómo es que el Presidente Obama apoya a los Latinos en temas como el trabajo, la educación, y la inmigración. En sus propias palabras:

Lilly Ledbetter on Paycheck Fairness

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Republicans in Congress are blocking the Paycheck Fairness Act—legislation building on President Obama's Lilly Ledbetter Act that would help women in the workforce make sure they get equal pay for equal work.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock for Barack

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Supporters in Ohio rocked for Barack with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers after a weekend of action in April.

Being Obama supporters, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers decided to throw a free concert to reward volunteers who held over 650 phone shifts in a four day period. Over half of those shifts were from brand new volunteers who had never volunteered before at the local OFA office.

Summer Organizing - Greater Together HBCU Launch

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The Greater Together HBCU Launch in Durham, North Carolina brought together students from all over the country to talk about issues important to young Americans and what things they could do to get President Barack Obama re-elected in November.

Robert Reich: Why Taxes Have to Be Raised on the Rich

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Robert Reich gives a cogent and historical perspective on Why Taxes Have to Be Raised on the Rich.

Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign's Double Standard

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Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign's Double StandardStephanie Cutter breaks down the Romney campaign's new way of judging Mitt Romney's economic record.

Favorite Quotes

Stop, hey, what’s that sound? Actually, it’s the noise a great political party makes when it loses what’s left of its mind. And it happened — where else? — on Fox News on Sunday, when Mitt Romney bought fully into the claim that gas prices are high thanks to an Obama administration plot.

March 22, 2012, in a column titled “Paranoia Strikes Deeper" -