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2012 Election

President Obama on Mitt Romney's Outsourcing of American Jobs

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"We can reform our tax code in a way that is fair and responsible. Which by the way means let's stop giving tax breaks to businesses that ship jobs and factories overseas let's reward companies that create jobs and manufacturing right here in the United States of America.

Mitt Romney: Condemn the Racist Voter Purge NOW.

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Florida's voter purge is not only illegal, but racist--and seems to benefit only Mitt Romney. So, why won't he condemn it?

First Law

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The son of a single mom. Proud father of two daughters. President Obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair, it hurts families.

What is the winning message for Democrats in 2012?

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DGA Chair Gov. Martin O'Malley at a panel discussion at the DGA Winter Meeting in Los Angeles, CA.

Two Choices: President Obama Sets Out His Vision for the Economy

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President Obama was in Ohio last week to deliver the first in a series of speeches that lay out the clear choice in this election between a vision that moves us forward and creates an economy built to last, and one that would send us backward to the failed policies of the past decade.

Are you in?

Sign Up for a Gotta Vote Early Weekend of Action

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In about 100 days, Texans will begin casting their votes for the 2012 election. The work we do this summer will determine the outcome of this race in Texas. Show your support for President Obama and other Democrats, sign up to join a Gotta Vote Early Weekend of Action event near you.

Romney and Stage Stores: "Every Layoff Counts"

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Romney and his firm made $175 million while Stage Stores was driven to bankruptcy. Stores in WI, OH, PA, MI, and IA were closed. Nearly 6000 workers lost their jobs.

Team Romney Mobile Hits The Road!

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Team Romney Mobile hits the road following Mitt Romney on the "Every Millionaire Counts" Tour!

In fact, all four significant Republican presidential candidates still standing are fiscal phonies

“In fact, all four significant Republican presidential candidates still standing are fiscal phonies. They issue apocalyptic warnings about the dangers of government debt and, in the name of deficit reduction, demand savage cuts in programs that protect the middle class and the poor.

March 1, 2012, in a column, “Four Fiscal Phonies,” about Romney's warning of a "Greece-style collapse" under Obama.

Team Romneymobile

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Team Romneymobile is following Mitt Romney's "Every Millionaire Counts" bus tour, and is being met at each stop by members who would be affected by Romney's economic policies that would rig the system further in favor of the 1%. And don't forget to look up, for airline banners that expose Romney as a candidate for President of the 1%, not President of the United States.
