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President Obama at the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner
President Obama at the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner.
Joaquin Castro on Higher Education Accessbility
State Representative Joaquin Castro presents the stark differences between the Democratic and Republican approaches to higher education.
Tell Mitt Romney: Kittens Are Cute. 1% Fat Cats? Not So Much.
President Obama's Buffett Rule would require millionaires and billionaires to pay the same tax rate as the rest of us.
The Romney Rule lets fat cats rig the system, so they pay less and pass on the burden to hardworking Americans like you and me.
How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? Robert Reich Explains
How exactly did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? Robert Reich explains The Magic of Private Equity in 8 Easy Steps
War on Caterpillars? Women are Watching
From 2011-2012, legislators in all 50 states introduced more than 1,500 measures targeting women's health, and 130 anti-women's health measure have already become law. The fact of the matter is the attacks on women's health are not fiction.
The Story of "Fired up! Ready to go!"
Edith S. Childs is the one that got Barack Obama fired up.
While attending a small campaign event in Greenwood, South Carolina, then-Senator Obama first heard the chant "Fired up! Ready to Go!".
All In For the 99% Highlights
Highlights from "All In for the 99%" event and rally in Los Angeles, CA on March 31st
A message to Planned Parenthood Supporters from President Obama
President Obama knows how important women's health is, and he respects the right of every woman to make her own medical decisions. Watch the video to see his special message to Planned Parenthood Action Fund supporters -- and then sign our letter thanking him for standing strong for women's health:
Already, 20 million women have received preventive care without a co-pay because of the health care reform law. When the health care reform law is fully implemented, women will no longer be discriminated against by insurance companies, and essential services including cancer screenings, birth control, and HIV testing and counseling will be covered with no co-pays.
Rendell on Corbett Ultrasound Comments: "Catering to an Extreme"
Chris Cillizza interviews former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell about controversial remarks made by current PA Republican Governor Tom Corbett on a mandatory ultrasound bill that Corbett supports.
Rafael Anchia on Crisis in TX Public Schools
Texas' Republican-dominated legislature cut over $5 billion from funding that should have gone to our schools. The stories about teacher layoffs and schools closures you're seeing on your local news are the direct result. Go to to see how you can help.