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President Obama on Creating an Economy Built to Last

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President Obama responds to questions during a press conference at the 2012 Chicago NATO Summit.

President Obama on Creating an Economy Built to Last

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 President Obama responds to questions during a press conference at the 2012 Chicago NATO Summit.

Mitt Romney: "I stand by what I said, whatever it was."

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Mitt Romney in February:

"I'm not sure which is worse; him listening to Reverend Wright or him saying that we must be a less Christian nation"

Does he stand by his comment?

"I'm actually going to --I haven't, I'm not familiar precisely with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was."

What else does he stand by?

Mitt Rmoney: "I stand by what I said, whatever it was."

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Mitt Romney in February:

"I'm not sure which is worse; him listening to Reverend Wright or him saying that we must be a less Christian nation"

Does he stand by his comment?

"I'm actually going to --I haven't, I'm not familiar precisely with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was."

What else does he stand by?

Rodrigo Rios - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America

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Rodrigo Rios es originario de Ibague, Colombia donde creció con sus padres y seis hermanos. Se recibió como licenciado en Informática de la Universidad de Los Andes en Colombia, y trabajó unos años en su país natal antes de mudarse al Sur de Florida hace 14 años. Hoy, vive en el Sur de la Florida con su esposa y tres hijas. Trabaja para una empresa de networking de tecnología y es encargado de la distribuición de servicios a América Latina. Desde antes de las elecciones primarias del 2008, Rodrigo ha sido partidario del Presidente Obama y actualemente es voluntario con Organizing for America.

Elena Vidal McCullough - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America

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Elena McCullough es madre de dos hijos, veterana, y líder de un equipo de vecindario en OFA-Florida en Tampa Bay. Sirvió en la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos por 24 años, y se jubiló con puesto de Teniente. Es beneficiaria del Post 9/11 GI Bill, y le otorgará dichos beneficios a sus hijos, para que los usen para sus estudios universitarios. Elena participa activamente en la comunidad de veteranos y como voluntaria en la campaña del Presidente Obama para correr la voz de los logros del Presidente para la comunidad hispana.


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Votar debe de ser fácil para cada elector elegible. Esa es la razón por la cual hoy lanzamos

No importa donde vivas, cuando tengas toda la información que necesitas, puedes tomar los pasos necesarios para asegurar que tu voto cuente y que tu voz se escuche el día de la elección.

President Obama at the 2012 Women's Leadership Forum

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Hello everybody, It's fair to say that there's been a bit of talk of women and women's issues so far this year. And I've said before, I want to repeat, I think it's been oversimplified, women are not an interest group. Women shouldn't be treated that way. Women are half this country and half of its workforce.

President Obama at the 2012 Women's Leadership Forum

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Hello everybody,

It's fair to say that there's been a bit of talk of women and women's issues so far this year. And I've said before, I want to repeat, I think it's been oversimplified, women are not an interest group. Women shouldn't be treated that way. Women are half this country and half of its workforce. Your 80% of my household if you count my mother-in-law and I always count my mother-in-law. So I got a vested interest in making sure we do well.

Mitt Romney's Just Like Rick Santorum

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Tell Mitt Romney and every other candidate for office that you won't stand by while they try to tear down Planned Parenthood and turn back the clock on women's health. Take the pledge: