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It's up to you to fight back

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Yesterday we got some news: the Romney campaign raised $76.8 million dollars in May. But that's only what Romney's official campaign raised.

Independent special interests and Super PACs on the right are building unprecedented war chests.

Marc Anthony: "The President has our Back."

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Marc Anthony shares why Latinos are a force that will help decide the 2012 presidential election and how President Obama is standing with Latinos on issues including jobs, education, and immigration. As he says:

"The President has our back, so it's time to let him know we've got his. Go to and get involved today.

Marc Anthony: "El Presidente nos Apoya."

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Marc Anthony asegura que los Latinos serán una fuerza electoral en la elección presidencial del 2012 y comparte cómo es que el Presidente Obama apoya a los Latinos en temas como el trabajo, la educación, y la inmigración. En sus propias palabras:

Lilly Ledbetter on Paycheck Fairness

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Republicans in Congress are blocking the Paycheck Fairness Act—legislation building on President Obama's Lilly Ledbetter Act that would help women in the workforce make sure they get equal pay for equal work.

Robert Reich: Why Taxes Have to Be Raised on the Rich

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Robert Reich gives a cogent and historical perspective on Why Taxes Have to Be Raised on the Rich.

Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign's Double Standard

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Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign's Double StandardStephanie Cutter breaks down the Romney campaign's new way of judging Mitt Romney's economic record.

We've Heard it All Before

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Mitt Romney ran for governor of Massachusetts promising more jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government. By the time Romney left office, state debt had increased, the size of government had grown, and Massachusetts had fallen behind almost every other state in job creation. Romney economics didn't work then, and it won't work now.

Sarah Jessica Parker: "That Guy"

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Sarah Jessica Parker invites you over to her house to have dinner with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Don't miss your chance to join them—your airfare and hotel are covered.

Anna Wintour: "Don't be Late"

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Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue, invites you to a New York Night with President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Sarah Jessica Parker on June 14th. Don't miss your chance to join them—your airfare and hotel are covered. Get started at

Romney Economics: Republicans on Romney's Massachusetts Record

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Mitt Romney ran for governor of Massachusetts promising more jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government. By the time Romney left office, state debt had increased, the size of government had grown, and Massachusetts had fallen behind almost every other state in job creation.

Other Republicans agree: Romney economics didn't work then, and it won't work now.

Favorite Quotes

The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied… but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing.
