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voter registration
Register to Vote, Now
I missed the latest "limited-time only" burrito variation at Taco Bell. I missed the latest "limited-time only" flavor of Blue Bell (mainly because I didn't have electricity for 12 days). But I'm not going to miss out on voting this year. Neither should you. If you moved within the county, you can update your voter registration online. If you just moved into our county, you need to re-register. Here's the link. Please use it. Now. If you don't, we could all be selling apples to Wall Street bailout millionaires.
We Register Voters
Not to brag, but Fort Bend Democrats are going to be a formidable force this year. Not only will we be doubling our presence in Fort Bend County, but now we have had our first political action, and it was hugely successful:
We registered 45 voters yesterday.
Just think of it. All we have to do is approach potential Democratic voters in underperforming precincts by knocking on their doors, register a few score of them, and flip that precinct from Red to Blue.