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We Register Voters
Not to brag, but Fort Bend Democrats are going to be a formidable force this year. Not only will we be doubling our presence in Fort Bend County, but now we have had our first political action, and it was hugely successful:
We registered 45 voters yesterday.
Just think of it. All we have to do is approach potential Democratic voters in underperforming precincts by knocking on their doors, register a few score of them, and flip that precinct from Red to Blue.
Are we happy about this? Well take a look at how Flo took this in.
Although it was obscenely hot and humid, it felt great afterward and gave me a feeling of accomplishment. The camaraderie with the other volunteers was wonderful and it felt great to work as a team. I didn't have that feeling of community and teamwork when I worked for Kerry...mostly I was told to stand in front of a school by myself and I was mostly abused by the good citizens of Fort Bend! I'm fired up and ready to keep registering voters!
Nice photo Hal... and a cute volunteer to boot! Sounds like the Fort Bend Democrats are moving in the right direction!