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Register to Vote, Now

By Wright N. Justice - Posted on 25 September 2008

I missed the latest "limited-time only" burrito variation at Taco Bell. I missed the latest "limited-time only" flavor of Blue Bell (mainly because I didn't have electricity for 12 days). But I'm not going to miss out on voting this year. Neither should you. If you moved within the county, you can update your voter registration online. If you just moved into our county, you need to re-register. Here's the link. Please use it. Now. If you don't, we could all be selling apples to Wall Street bailout millionaires.

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We are very powerful people who need to keep our lives as private as possible to protect our image. There is no reason we need to give more than what is legally necessary or considered adequate. Mitt and I live our lives as we always have, and of course we think we’re above the law. We have bought our way out of several risky situations. It’s amazing what a little clever accounting can do.