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Richard Morrison For Fort Bend County Commissioner

By Hal - Posted on 25 November 2007

At last week's meeting of the Fort Bend Democrats, Richard Morrisson, a long-time Fort Bend Democrat and former congressional candidate, announced what we had all been anticipating for months: he will seek the Democratic nomination for Fort Bend County Commissioner - Precinct 1.

I was not there, but I heard about it later. As quoted in FortBendNow, here is what Richard told the Fort Bend Democrats:

"Everyone in Briarwood and Greatwood is furious about this toll road. How can they trust their commissioner to do anything, because he may have taken a contribution from a road-builder, and now he’s sitting in the audience. You’ve got to take a stand for these people"

You have to have been there, and I wasn't, but what Richard was referring to was the proposed Section C of the Grand Parkway Toll Road that has the tacit approval of Tom Stavinoha, who currently sits in the Precinct 1 County Commissioner's seat.

Ask just about everyone in county government and they hold up their hands as if they were tied by gordian knots. They have no leverage, they say, to influence decisions at TXDOT.

My question is, are we talking leverage or are we talking wealth? Do those in county government truly desire leverage to come to the aid of beseiged Precinct 1 residents? Or do they and their cronies desire the construction projects and the land deals that would necessarily result as new areas of the county become more accessible with the building of the toll road?

My answer to the question is the latter. Richard Morrison is more succinct in his response to county government claims of impotence.

"That's bullcrap".

More on this at Half Empty.

"They" say we need this to accommodate the growing population? Hello.....? Have you seen all the vacant land farther in and on the existing sections of 99? "They" say we need this for evacuation purposes? Hello....? Where exactly were the massive traffic jams last time? Hint: *not* between Galveston and Houston!

Mr. Morrison, your comment, "Everyone in Briarwood and Greatwood is furious about this toll road. How can they trust their commissioner to do anything, because he may have taken a contribution from a road-builder, and now he’s sitting in the audience. You’ve got to take a stand for these people" hello, it is Bridlewood and not Briarwood. you are out running your mouth about a project and you don't even know your own district. wake up.