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Religion and Public Schools
Many wish to promote ideas and views in our public schools that are counter to scientific data and fly in the face of reality. Others want a moment of silence. Still others want God or Jesus mentioned in regular prayer or reading from the Bible or all of the above. Which version of the Bible will be studied? Will other religious books be studied?
Recently, an acquaintance became upset because I wrongly thought he belong to a certain church. This person could not wait to tell me everything wrong with that church. Another acquaintance does not talk to their neighbors because they differ on Bible interpretation. A friend of mine does not want their child taught about evolution. So it begs the question, who decides which religious prayers and beliefs get taught in public school and which don't. How far do you push it?
Churches and religions enjoy tax free status, even as they promote political agendas in sermons, place pamphlets on my door handle, and conduct community activity. Some engage in attacking each other when they are not busy attacking people like myself. Now some think it is reasonable to want to dip into my pocket and use my money to promote religious beliefs in a place that is about education. I consider that taxation without representation.
Atheists like myself are not interested in stopping you from going to the church of your choice, sending your children to religious schools, or praying with your family. We simply do not want religion to be part of education in a public school system financed by our tax dollars.
The argument that somehow if only our children are made to pray and study the Bible they will be better people mystifies me. Many of our children have the attention span of a nat and reading skills 2 or 3 grades below what they should have, yet they live in one of the richest and most religious countries in the world. When surveys say that 90% of the people in this country believe in God, why would anyone think that more religion would make things better?
Why don't parents stop expecting teachers, administrators, prayers and now Bible study classes to fix their kids. How about parents be parents? Then, if you really want their education to be founded on scripture, you can try home schooling. That way, we both get what we want.
As a side note, I promise, as an atheist, to never ring your door bell, put signs on your door knob, or ask you to believe what I believe. In exchange, please respond in kind.