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Join Catholics for Obama

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President Obama shares why faith is important in his life and encourages you to join Catholics for Obama

There is no religion that says to worry about the rich at the expense of the poor

In the Bible our first first question to God was am I my brother's keeper. The answer is yes. There is no religion that says to worry about the rich at the expense of the poor.

Texas Democratic Convention - June 9, 2012

Politics and governing demand compromise

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”

Bill Maher Criticizes Mitt Romney's Donations To Mormon Church

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During last week's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the irreverent comedian blasted GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for donating money to the Mormon Church rather than to a more worthy charity. Instead of reining in his attacks on Romney and Mormonism, he sharpened his criticism during his New Rules segment in Friday's broadcast of HBO's political comedy show.

Open Letter from Leaders of Faith Regarding Statements by Franklin Graham

As Christian denominational leaders, pastors, and, most importantly, followers of Jesus Christ; we are greatly troubled by recent attempts by some religious leaders to use faith as a political weapon.  We were disturbed and disappointed by statements made by Rev. Franklin Graham during an interview on MSNBC that questioned whether President Obama is a Christian. Rev. Graham also seemed to imply that the President may be a Muslim, despite the fact that the President has repeatedly expressed his faith and belief in Jesus Christ. By his statements, Rev. Graham seems to be aligning himself with those who use faith as a weapon of political division. These kinds of comments could have enormous negative effects for America and are especially harmful to the Christian witness.

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

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Penn Jillette rates the various candidates for the U.S. Presidency from the perspective of an atheist.

Hateful Attack on Republican Fahra Ahmed

Shame on the Fort Bend Republican Chairman, Rick Miller, and every other elected official in Sugar Land or Fort Bend…  A scurrilous attack via e-mail and mailed flyer has been put out attacking Farha Ahmed who is in a run off for a seat on the Sugar Land City Council. The e-mail and flyer cleverly insinuates that Ahmed is a Muslim extremist...

...I've known her for many years and became familiar with her mostly through her work with the Fort Bend Republican Party. So the idea being promoted that she is a terrorist is not only laughable, it is unconscionable.

...It is amazing to me that a press release or even a Facebook entry has not been posted denouncing the people behind the hate campaign against Farha Ahmed by not only her political opponent, but her political party, or any other member of the Sugar Land City Council. What’s wrong with you people?

Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interview B-Roll

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Some interview footage that didn't make it in our original film covering Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally, linked here:

  And before you comment or message to let me know: Koch is pronounced Coke. My guess was incorrect.

Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants

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On August 28, 2010, Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally was held on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The purpose of the rally, which Beck claimed to be "non-political" despite featuring Tea Party-favorite Sarah Palin as a speaker and its being attended entirely by conservatives, was unclear.

Tax Day Tea Party 2010

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On Thursday, April 15, Tea Partiers from around the country gathered in the nation's capital to protest what they perceived to be egregious increases in taxation under the Obama administration, despite taxes having actually been lowered for 98% of working Americans.

The usual anti-science and nativist rhetoric, and praise of Fox News personalities, ensued.
