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kathyharvey's blog

Religion and Public Schools

Many wish to promote ideas and views in our public schools that are counter to scientific data and fly in the face of reality. Others want a moment of silence. Still others want God or Jesus mentioned in regular prayer or reading from the Bible or all of the above. Which version of the Bible will be studied? Will other religious books be studied?

TEA and the Science Teacher

When Chris Comer was fired as head of the Science Curriculum for the
State of Texas few noticed. Then copies of emails and discipline
reports surfaced. A reporter at the Austin American Statesman, Laura
Heinauer, wrote a article about the firing.

Laura Heinauer soon found she had a story that others wanted to
hear. Bloggers went nuts, The New York Times did two articles about
Ms. Comer's firing. Newspapers around the country and a few overseas
soon made notice of what The State of Texas and the TEA were up to.

Favorite Quotes

“The odds are that one of these years the world’s greatest nation will find itself ruled by a party that is aggressively anti-science, indeed anti-knowledge. And, in a time of severe challenges — environmental, economic, and more — that’s a terrifying prospect.”

Aug. 28, 2011, in a column titled “Republicans Against Science”