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Vice President Joe Biden's Post-Debate Remarks

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Vice President Joe Biden's post-debate remarks.

For all the latest from the 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. Go to:

Stephanie Cutter on Tonight's Presidential Debate

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Stephanie Cutter breaks down how we'll need you to help get the facts out for tonight's Presidential debate. We'll be monitoring each and every word Romney says. And every time he lies or takes a cheap shot get online and help set the record straight.

Ricky Martin: Únete a Latinos for Obama

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Ricky Martin comparte sus razones por apoyar al Presidente Obama y nos informa de lo que podemos hacer para ayudar en la re-elección del Presidente Obama.

James Kvaal: Romney's Misleading Claims on the National Debt

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James Kvaal, Policy Director for Obama for America, breaks down Mitt Romney's misleading claims on the national debt and how President Obama took action to stop this economic free fall inherited from the previous administration.

President Obama: Fighting for People with Disabilities

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President Obama shares how people with disabilities have help shaped America to be a more accessible, inclusive and stronger country. Together we're making sure more Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and education opportunities.

There are now more investments in educational opportunities through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act which helps young adults with disabilities get the education and training they need to succeed.

In Colorado it's a Clear Choice

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Commit to vote in Colorado:

Coloradoans share the reasons why it's a clear choice that they're voting for President Barack Obama this November.

Ian's Letter: "Dear Mr. President"

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Dear Mr. President,

My name is Ian.

I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and I am ten years old. I really hope that I can meet you someday because I would like to shake your hand and thank you for bringing my dad home from Iraq.

Women's Voices - Join Women for Obama

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It's very important that women have a voice in this election. Every vote counts. Every voice counts.

Democratic National Convention / Obama For America - Gotta Vote Bus Tour: Iowa

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New Democratic National Convention / Obama For America - Gotta Vote Bus Tour: Iowa

Quick Donate with Rashida Jones and Jesse Tyler Ferguson

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Rashida Jones and Jesse Tyler Ferguson describe how quick and easy it is to donate to help re-elect President Obama. You can support the campaign with a single-click—all you need is a account with a securely saved credit card.

  • Get started: http://OFA.BO/6Qc5U3

Favorite Quotes

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are [a] few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

November 8, 1954