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Ian's Letter: "Dear Mr. President"

By DemAdmin - Posted on 01 October 2012

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Dear Mr. President,

My name is Ian.

I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and I am ten years old. I really hope that I can meet you someday because I would like to shake your hand and thank you for bringing my dad home from Iraq.My dad served two tours in Iraq. His time away was really hard for me.
This is a note that my dad sent me: "My dearest Ian, son, I miss you so much..."

I had trouble sleeping sometimes because I was so worried about him.

He gave me his dog tags before he left and I kept them with me all the time so that I can feel close to him.

Because you ended the Iraq war I have my dad back safe.

Now I get to spend birthdays and holidays with my dad. And we can do all the things I have missed out on while he was away.

I look up to you both and I want to be just like you.

Thank you, Ian


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