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Wright N. Justice's blog

Secret directions to Chuck Rosenthal's restroom

Our neighbors in Harris County no longer need coffee to wake up in the morning. All they have to do is look at the morning newspaper and follow the latest development in the District Attorney e-mail scandal. That will wake you up. This story has been on the front page, above the fold, every day for two weeks.

For those wondering if this will ever end, I hope not.

Tapes can bring down a Presidency

When I first heard that the CIA had destroyed interrogation videotapes, despite a 2005 federal court ORDER that our government “preserve and maintain all evidence and information regarding the torture, mistreatment and abuse of detainees” at Guantánamo, my first thought was of Richard Nixon.

Gather round young 'uns while I tell you a story:

Even a blind black Republican . . .

A survey of the Harris County Medical Society confirms what we already know about health insurance. It's not working. When surveyed about the top six health insurers in the Houston area, 70% of the doctors said that insurance companies had denied claims for medically necessary procedures.

Dear Mr. President

Have you heard of the X generation? The Y generation?

I'm from much earlier in the alphabet. I'm old enough to remember Hurricane Carla, JFK's funeral, and the Apollo astronauts reading from Genesis while circling the Moon. So, I'm old.

As a certified oldster, I hope to be forgiven that I don't know anything about contemporary music, iPods, or Pink. What I do know is that this is a brilliant performance.

Confessions of a "pro-life" Democrat

I just read the Bob Herbert piece about a 16 year old girl in Nacogdoches, Texas, whose battle against cancer max-ed out her parents' health insurance policy. This story will make you want to cry.

It's not just the millions of Americans without health insurance who go without medical care.

It's not just the millions of Americans who lose their jobs and discover that COBRA health coverage is 10 times the price of their old coverage.

How Can You Stand Such Times and Live

Today, reporters are feverishly investigating which presidential candidates tip their waitresses and which do not. Oh. My. God. It's Tipgate. Is that the best that the press corps can do? Osama bin Ladin is still loose---six years after 9/11, American armed forces were ordered into an unnecessary pre-emptive war, the credit markets are groaning under the weight of U.S. debt, 43 million Americans don't have health insurance, an American city drowned when the levees broke, and all we want to know is whether the candidates are poor tippers. How can a poor man stand such times and live?

The Dixie Chicks and Thought Crimes

On January 26, 2003, the three women known as the “Dixie Chicks” were riding a wave of popularity. They were one of the hottest acts in America, and their status was confirmed that afternoon in San Diego, when they sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl.

How to Argue Like a Republican

Why is it that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and all of those other talking heads can be painted into a logical corner and still seem to win every argument? The answer is simple: they don’t fight fairly.

You, my Democratic friend, have been doing this all wrong. You think that the way to argue and persuade is to take a well-reasoned position, marshal your evidence, quote honest statistics, use logic, and gently challenge your opponent’s position. If you do that when arguing with a Republican, you will lose---again.
