You are hereThe Paul Ryan Plan

The Paul Ryan Plan

By DemAdmin - Posted on 11 October 2012

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The Ryan budget is now the ticket mate with every House Republican running for office and is a down ballot drag on their prospects. AARP has warned that the "proposal is likely to simply increase costs for beneficiaries while removing Medicare's promise of secure health coverage," while the Tax Policy Center showed that people making over $1 million per year would get an average tax cut of $265,000.

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The Rule of Law is fundamental to our existence as a civilized nation. The Rule of Law is not a goal which we merely aspire to achieve; it is the floor below which we must not sink. For the Rule of Law to function effectively, however, it must provide actual rules that can be followed. In this instance, the relevant rule - the law - has long been clear: Waterboarding detainees amounts to illegal torture in all circumstances.