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Russ Feingold: Romney and Ryan's "Fuzzy Math"
Senator Russ Feingold breaks down Paul Ryan's fuzzy math and why President Obama is the choice in this election. Early voting has already started in Wisconsin to get all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/fTosjU
The Simpson's Mr. Burns Endorses Romney
An election eve appeal from Montgomery Burns. Mr. Burns puts Shamus the dog to the test of choosing between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Connect the Dots
If Mitt Romney wins, the middle class loses.
Vice President Biden on Romney's New Autos Ad: "Have They No Shame?"
President Obama on Mitt Romney's Massachusetts Fees
President Obama breaks down Romney's promises and how we've heard them all before.
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100% Wrong. Romney on the "47%"
Is Mitt a "maker" or a "taker"? In the fourth Actually... video Jay Smooth digs in.
When lies go unchecked, we all lose. spreads the truth, because the truth matters—even in politics. Our team calls 'em like they see 'em, and we hope you'll support the truth by sharing videos before Election Day.
Rick Perry's Thoughts on Mitt Romney
Rick Perry is coming to Colorado to talk about MItt Romney. What has he said about Romney in the past?
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Corporations Are People
In the third video of the Actually... series, Sarah Silverman and Lizz Winstead break down the difference between corporations and people. Mitt Romney thinks they are the same.