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Mitt Romney: The Worst Week in Washington

By DemAdmin - Posted on 23 September 2012

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A look back at Mitt Romney's worst week on the campaign trail so far

Mitt Romney had the 'Worst Week in Washington' - again. (Washington Post, Sept. 21, 2012)

Monday Morning:

Diane Sawyer: The Romney camp is said to be engineering a reboot.

Reporter: Romney's retooling comes just after politico published a detailed insider's
account of his campaign's recent stumbles.

Jim Vandehei: You have a campaign that's really sort of hit real turbulence.

Monday Evening:

Reporter: The Romney campaign is in crisis mode, scrambling to explain a secretly recorded tape where Romney tells wealthy donors nearly half of all americans see themselves as victims.


David Gergen: It was almost oafish someone who has a bank account in the Cayman Islands in order to reduce taxes to criticise someone who's in need.


Wolf Blitzer: They're words that put knots in the stomachs of many Republicans, their presidential nominee writing of Obama supporters as dependent victims. But forget about an apology despite widespread criticism Mitt Romney is grabbing his remarks, running with them.


Jake Tapper: The Romney campaign facing some questions from Republican donors about a twenty million dollar loan it had to take out and also up to two hundred thousand dollars in bonuses given to top campaign staffers, apparently for doing a such an astounding job.


Reporter: Paul Ryan's medicare speech to AARP members today was met with resistance.

Paul Ryan: The first step to a stronger medicare is to repeal Obama care because it represents the worst of both worlds

Audience: Boo!

Paul Ryan: I had a feeling there'd be mixed reactions.

Reporter: Many convention goers walked out of the room when Ryan took the stage to discuss medicare reform which would transform the program into a voucher system under his budget plan.

Reporter: Today the campaign also posted a summary of Romney's tax records dating back to 1990, but with no specific details.

Tax expert: It would be much better for people to see it for themselves

Favorite Quotes

You didn’t elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth. And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades. It will require common effort, shared responsibility, and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one.

Democratic National Convention - September 6, 2012