You are hereMitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

By DemAdmin - Posted on 11 August 2012

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Paul Ryan is the mastermind behind the extreme GOP budget plan. It's a plan Mitt Romney endorses.

But what does that budget mean for America? The GOP budget plan hurts seniors, it hurts middle-class families, and it hurts students. All to pay for tax cuts for those at the top..

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: back to the failed top-down policies that crashed our economy.

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Stop, hey, what’s that sound? Actually, it’s the noise a great political party makes when it loses what’s left of its mind. And it happened — where else? — on Fox News on Sunday, when Mitt Romney bought fully into the claim that gas prices are high thanks to an Obama administration plot.

March 22, 2012, in a column titled “Paranoia Strikes Deeper" -