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Heavy Load
The middle class is carrying a heavy load in America. But Mitt Romney doesn't see it. Under the Romney plan, a middle class family will pay an average of up to $2,000 more a year in taxes. While at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himself a $250,000 tax cut. So, Romney hits the middle class harder and gives millionaires an even bigger break. Is that the way forward for America?
An Unshakable Record
Mitt Romney's hoping for a convention reinvention where he'll try to shake an etch-a-sketch of epic proportions.
But some things you just can't shake—like his business record, his Massachusetts record, his offshore funds and what the Romney-Ryan budget does to Medicare.
Mitt Romney: An unshakable record that's wrong for the middle class.
Romney Economics: The Infomercial
Romney Economics is a business model of outsourcing, bankruptcy, and investments in companies at the expense of American workers. Looking to make a profit with minimal risk? Tired of all those pesky employee benefits and pensions? Don't mind seeing jobs shipped overseas? Then Romney Economics is the business model for you!
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: The Do-Over -
This is the exclusive online trailer premiere of the Romney-Ryan campaign's GOP convention reinvention of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: "The Do-Over."
Want to Know Where Romney and Ryan Stand on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women's Health?
This Saturday Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are coming to Powell, Ohio. Powell area women have questions for them on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women's Health.
Will America's Go Back Team answer them?
President Obama on the Romney-Ryan Tax Plan
President Obama was at a grassroots event in Rochester, NH to discuss middle-class economic security. President Obama has already cut taxes for a typical New Hampshire family by $4,200 over four years, helping families afford to send their children to college, buy their first home, pay for health care and child care.
Voiceover: "Now Mitt Romney is attacking the President on Medicare?"
"The non-partisan AARP says Obamacare 'cracks down on Medicare fraud, waste, and abuse' and 'strengthens guaranteed benefits'."
"And the Ryan plan?"
"AARP says it would undermine ... Medicare and could lead to higher costs for seniors...."
Wisconsin Knows Paul Ryan
Wisconsin residents share their Paul Ryan experiences.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it. Now, as voters react, Romney responds by lying about the President's record on Medicare. Romney-Ryan: using bogus attacks to hide their plan to end Medicare.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Plan to End Medicare as we know It
President Obama on the Romney-Ryan Economic Plan
Today in Boone, Iowa President Obama shared how the Romney-Ryan economic proposal would raise taxes on middle class families with children in order to pay for tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires.