You are hereChaos on Bullshit Mountain
Chaos on Bullshit Mountain
Language: Not Safe For Work.
Jon Stewart laughs at the right-wing media's reaction to Romney's out-of-touch 47% video.
- 2012 Election
- 47%
- arrogant
- Bermuda
- cayman islands
- Comedy Central
- crook
- dishonest
- distrust
- fake
- flip-flop
- humor
- Jon Stewart
- liar
- loopholes
- Mitt Romney
- out of touch
- outsource to China
- Paul Ryan
- Republican hypocrisy
- romney bain
- Romney budget
- Romney secret plan
- romney taxes
- romney-ryan
- secrets
- super-rich
- tax havens
- tax returns
- untrustworthy
- United States