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Faces of Change: From Dinner Tables to Diplomas

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It meant a great deal to Jess Montejano, a second generation Mexican American, that President Obama supported students with legislation like the American Opportunity Tax Credit. Because of this tax credit, Jess was able to receive an extra $1000 when he filed his 2009 taxes. With this extra financial support, he was able to pay his bills and focus more on his studies.

Educators for Obama

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Teachers and educational professionals from across the country are coming together to support the President. In this video, educators share why education is important and why they stand with President Obama.

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News & Politics Videos from YouTube

I'm running a little test of video feeds from YouTube. Please take some time to watch a few videos and let me know your thoughts.

These videos are auto-magically selected by Google based upon the contents of this website and the keywords US presidential election 2008 democratic candidates:
