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Gotta Tune In
Voiceover: "Gotta get up. Gotta get to class. Gotta pay that tuition. Gotta move out. Gotta make my own decisions about my own health, about my own life. Gotta stay positive. Gotta keep working. Gotta keep believing that it's our country too."
"Gotta keep moving forward, not back. Gotta vote. Vote. Vote."
Gotta Vote
Voiceover: "Gotta get up. Gotta get to class. Gotta pay that tuition. Gotta get a job. Gotta move out. Gotta make my own decisions about my own health, about my own life. Gotta stay positive. Gotta keep working. Gotta keep believing that it's our country. Our country. It's our country too."
"Gotta keep moving forward, not back. Gotta keep hope. Gotta vote."
trying to make it harder for people to vote
Do you really want to live in a country where one party is so desperate to win the White House that they go around trying to make it harder for people to vote if they’re people of color, poor people or first generation immigrants.
First Lady Michelle Obama: Visit
First Lady Michelle Obama encourages you to visit for all the information you need to make your voice heard on election day.
Great Republican Presidents
How great Republican Presidents from Lincoln to Reagan used government to advance education, build our interstate highway system, save Social Security, increase funding for the arts and implement many of the other programs that have made America a better place for ALL of us.
President Obama: "Don't Boo—Vote!"
President Obama ended his two-day tour of Ohio and Nevada with a grassroots event in Las Vegas. President Obama discussed the choice in this election between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs, pay down the debt and invest in quality, affordable education.
Texas Democratic Party 2030 Outlook
Demographic projections taken from Texas State Data Center's 2008 population projections
Every Vote Counts
The idea that one vote can't make a difference is a myth. Every vote counts and recent elections demonstrate just how big of an impact one vote can have.
OFA: Join Your Neighborhood Team
Neighborhood Team Leaders share what they're doing for the next 100 days to make sure President Obama is re-elected on November 6th. With fewer than 100 days left in the election now is the perfect time to join your Neighborhood Team.
Vice President Joe Biden - Iowa Starts Voting Early on September 27th
Get involved in Iowa: http://OFA.BO/nGbu6g Vice President encourages you to vote early. In Iowa, you can vote as early as 40 days before election day.