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Our First Campaign
The first time I was ever exposed to politics was when JFK was assasinated. The memories are still stuck in my mind as my family sat in our living room watching the scenes play out on our 13" black and white tv. Then came LBJ with the Vietnam War, civil rights marches and the race riots. Nixon with his famous peace sign, end of the war and Watergate. In 1975 I was called to political duty. I answered a local newspaper ad to go out and register people to vote. We registered thousands of people in our local community of Rosenberg, Texas. Today many years later comes by far the best election ever. This OBAMA campaign is by far the most exciting I have ever been involved in. The local Fort Bend Democrats office has been abuzz for the last 3 months. We have been selling t-shirts, buttons, caps, cards, yard signs, and anything OBAMA on it. It has been phenomenal! Two weekends ago my middle school 11 year old boy and I went out on a first-ever father-son campaign walk. We went out to the local area apartment complexes to put out door knockers. Me being the dad, smarter, wiser, and already knowing that the apartments were 2-story had him do the upstairs. It was warm that day and I could see him sweating and getting a little tired when he yelled to me saying I had to do some of the upstairs too. Last weekend we did a small subdivision in the area. As we walked I explained to him the importance of the elections and why people should vote. This past week his 6th grade class had their mock elections. I picked him up in my truck and asked him who he voted for. He looked at me and said OBAMA dad, straight ticket. Way to go son! our first campaign together and a Democrat already.