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Had Enough? Vote Democratic . . . For a Change
Remember this campaign ad that appeared on local TV stations in last year's mid term election? I came across it again as I was searching through You Tube's archives.
It made me smile.
It reminded me of the time I spent on the phone calling people from Vermont to California who all had one thing in common. They gave money to Democrats. We raised money to put this video on the air.
I am reposting it on our website as a gentle reminder to faithful Democratsic voters, that if you haven't voted yet, Election Day is Tuesday November 6th (not the 7th as they say in the video - that was Election Day last year).
And remember, even though there are no partisan races on the ballot in this off-year general election (well . . . except for Houston City Council - where non-partisan races are anything but) you should take your Democratic principles with you when you go and vote. And don't forget to bring your informed opinions.