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POWELL: Romney's Foreign Policy A "Moving Target"
CBS This Morning - October 25th, 2012. Colin Powell: Romney's Foreign Policy A "Moving Target"
Romney-Mourdock-GOP: Wrong for Women... Way Wrong
New DNC Video: Romney-Mourdock-GOP: Wrong for Women... Way Wrong
>>It's deja vu all over again and not in a good way. Just when republicans thought they'd slammed the door in the so-called "war on women" Indiana senate candidate Richard Mourdock may have kicked it right back open.
>>Indiana senate candidate Richard Mourdock says he believes pregnancies resulting from rape are a gift from God.
What He'll Do
Voiceover: "Which do you believe? What Mitt Romney's TV ads say about women or what Mitt Romney himself says:"
Mitt Romney:
- "Do I believe Supreme Court decisions should overturn Roe v. Wade? Yes."
- "And it would be my preference that they reverse Roe v. Wade."
- "Hopefully reverse Roe v. Wade."
- "Overturn Roe v. Wade"
- "Planned Parenthood, we're going to get rid of that."
- "I'll cut off funding to Planned Parenthood."
Voiceover: "No matter what Mitt Romney's ads say we know what he'll do."
Acosta: Romney Still Standing Behind Richard Mourdock
CNN Newsroom - October 24th, 2012. Acosta: Romney Still Standing Behind Richard Mourdock
100% Wrong. Romney on the "47%"
Is Mitt a "maker" or a "taker"? In the fourth Actually... video Jay Smooth digs in.
When lies go unchecked, we all lose. spreads the truth, because the truth matters—even in politics. Our team calls 'em like they see 'em, and we hope you'll support the truth by sharing videos before Election Day.
RATTNER: Auto Companies "Would Have Died" If Romney Had His Way
RATTNER: Auto Companies "Would Have Died" If Romney Had His Way
Andrea Mitchell: Apology Tour "Just Didn't Happen"
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports - October 23rd, 2012. Andrea Mitchell: Apology Tour "Just Didn't Happen"