You are hereRomney-Mourdock-GOP: Wrong for Women... Way Wrong

Romney-Mourdock-GOP: Wrong for Women... Way Wrong

By DemAdmin - Posted on 24 October 2012

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New DNC Video: Romney-Mourdock-GOP: Wrong for Women... Way Wrong


>>It's deja vu all over again and not in a good way. Just when republicans thought they'd slammed the door in the so-called "war on women" Indiana senate candidate Richard Mourdock may have kicked it right back open.

>>Indiana senate candidate Richard Mourdock says he believes pregnancies resulting from rape are a gift from God.

>>Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, it is something that God intended to happen.

>>But here's the thing: Mitt Romney has endorsed Mourdock.

>>This comes at a terrible time for Romney as he's trying to move to the middle here. He's got this issue.

>>Bad news for Romney is that Romney just put an ad up endorsing Mourdock and trying to get people out to vote for him.

>>This fall I'm supporting Richard Mourdock for senate.

>>The GOP nominee is still standing behind Richard Mourdock…

>>He is not going to pull his support from Mourdock, he supports him as a candidate. >>They are not calling on Mourdock to pull that spot. It is still up on his website, it is still up on his YouTube page.

>>This is not too far off the mark from what Paul Ryan indicated in an interview. I don't think the quote, "method of conception" should really change the issue.

>>Having to talk about Todd Akin and his comments, now we have Richard Mourdock to remind voters of how extreme the entire republican party…these are not isolated incidents.

>>Don't expect Republicans to throw Mourdock under the bus like they did Akin.

>>This is the party platform: no abortions, no exceptions even in cases of rape or incest. And these guys have to find some way to justify it.

>>Last time I checked women vote. Women who believe that rape is something that is not what God intended also vote, and women voters are really going to help decide this election. And so I think this could really be the fatal blow.

>>One man told the Indianapolis Star, because of Mourdock's unconscionable position, he's no longer voting Republican.
