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President Obama: the Real Mitt Romney
President Obama addresses supporters in Denver, Colorado and shares which Mitt Romney showed up in last night's Presidential debate.
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Out of Luck
New Democratic National Committee Video: Out of Luck
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Romney: "Pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan."
I have to rate that mostly fiction
Mitt Romney's Debate Performance: "Mostly Fiction"
The results are in: Mitt Romney played fast and loose with the facts.
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Mitt Romney's Offshore Tax Havens
Mitt Romney has million of dollars invested in offshore tax havens. He says having his money overseas doesn't mean he's avoiding U.S. taxes.
Voiceover: "Seen the coal miners in these ads? Turns out they were told that attendance at Mitt Romney's rally was 'mandatory'.
Romney-Ryan Tax Plan: Running Out the Clock
Romney-Ryan Tax Plan: Running Out the Clock
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Since When
Voiceover: "These appliances could have been made here in America. But a company called Global Tech maximized profits by paying its workers next to nothing under sweatshop conditions in China. When Mitt Romney led Bain, they saw Global Tech as a good investment even knowing that the firm promoted its practice of exploiting low-wage labor to its investors. Mitt Romney, tough on China?
Mitt Romney: Great Expectations
Independent analysts and Mitt Romney's own supporters agree on two things:
1. Romney's an accomplished debater who excelled at debates in the GOP primary.
2. This week's debate is a make or break moment for Governor Romney.
Either way, Romney is facing great expectations.
"Mitt Romney: Great Expectations"
Mitt Romney: Those People
Mitt Romney released a new ad to try and recover after dismissing half of America, but Mitt Romney's words speak for themselves
Mitt Romney: Too many Americans are struggling to find work in today's economy
Romney: I like being able to fire people
Mitt Romney's Idea of Tax Fairness
Mitt Romney has a strange take on tax fairness. Romney's plan would cut taxes even more for himself—and raise them on the middle class.
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