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The Romney-Ryan Strategy: Thirsting for an Answer

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At last night's debate, we saw the essence of The Romney-Ryan Strategy: doubling down on widely, repeatedly debunked attacks.

Economic Growth

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CBS' Scott Pelley: "You made on your investments personally about $20 million last year and you paid 14% in federal taxes. That's the capital gains rate. Is that fair to the guy who makes $50,000 and paid a higher rate than you did?"

CBS' Scott Pelley: "So you think it is fair?"

Romney: "Yeah, I think it's the right way to encourage economic growth."

Voiceover: Lower tax rates for him ... than us. Is that the way to grow America?

The Paul Ryan Plan

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The Ryan budget is now the ticket mate with every House Republican running for office and is a down ballot drag on their prospects.

The Real Mitt Romney

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Mitt Romney isn't being honest about his extreme positions. The real Mitt Romney will say anything to close the deal, even if it's not true. People need to know who the real Mitt Romney is, and where he stands. Because there's no hiding when you're President.

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Paul Ryan's Rhetoric Can't Hide Reality

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Paul Ryan's eloquent rhetoric can't hide the harsh reality. We compare side-by-side Paul Ryan's words with facts from Congressman Chris Van Hollen's speech.

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"Victims. Dependent. That's what Mitt Romney called forty-seven percent of Americans. Including people on Medicare. But what about his plan for you? Romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. Seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. A plan AARP says would undermine Medicare. You're no earned your benefits. Don't let Mitt Romney take them away."

Only Choice

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"It's one of the hardest decisions a family can make ...realizing a nursing home is the only choice. For many middle class families, Medicaid is the only way to afford the care. But as a governor, Mitt Romney raised nursing home fees eight times. And as President, his budget cuts Medicaid by one-third. And Burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. We have a president who won't let that happen."

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky: Crack down on Wall Street, Not Sesame Street

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Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky held protest outside of Ryan fundraiser with a special appearance from Big Bird.

Romney Put Profits From China Ahead of Security for America

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Mitt Romney put profits from China ahead of security for America.

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Voiceover: "This was dishonest."

Mitt Romney: "I'm not in favor of a $5 trillion tax cut."

Voiceover: "Romney's being dishonest here too:"

Voiceover from Romney ad: "According to an Independent, non-partisan study, Barack Obama and the liberals will raise taxes on the middle class..."