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Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies
Paul Ryan is the mastermind behind the extreme GOP budget plan. It's a plan Mitt Romney endorses.
But what does that budget mean for America? The GOP budget plan hurts seniors, it hurts middle-class families, and it hurts students. All to pay for tax cuts for those at the top..
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: back to the failed top-down policies that crashed our economy.
Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean?
Mitt Romney has only released one full year of tax returns. Why hasn't he released more? Is Romney willing to share any new information?
Voice-over: "Seen this ad?" President Obama: "If you got a business, you didn't build that..."
Voice-over: "Wait a minute, Romney deliberately altered the meaning of the President's words. Actually, he was talking about, 'building infrastructure and education, not that individuals don't build their businesses.'"
Mitt Romney: Saying Anything to Get Elected
Mitt Romney is launching a false attack, but it turns out he actually agrees with President Obama.
What Does "Retroactively Retired" Mean?
We asked people their thoughts on Mitt Romney saying he was retired "retroactively" as CEO of Bain Capital from 1999 to 2001.
Mitt Romney: Chairman, CEO, and Sole Shareholder—But Not Responsible?
This was Mitt Romney's explanation. Verbatim.
"Makes You Wonder"
Tax Havens. Offshore accounts. Carried Interest. Mitt Romney has used every trick in the book. Romney admits that over the last two years he's paid less than 15% in taxes on $43 million in income. Makes you wonder if some years he paid any taxes at all.
We don't know because Romney has released just one full year of his tax returns. And won't release anything before 2010.
Mitt Romney's not the solution. He's the problem.
Mitt Romney: Asking for Apologies While Launching Attacks
Mitt Romney accuses President Obama of not talking about the issues, but he has run a a campaign of carpet bombing and tearing down his opponents.
Mitt Romney's Bain Secret Exposed
The more everyone finds out about Mitt Romney's finances, the more questions they have. Perhaps that's why he's hiding as much as he thinks he can get away with. Yesterday, The Boston Globe reported that Romney was still running Bain Capital two years after he claims he left the firm, directly contradicting his campaign's denial that he was involved in deals that led to layoffs, bankruptcies, and American jobs getting shipped overseas. Either Romney filed false SEC statements or he's making false statements to the American people now.