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Mitt Romney

Romney's Swiss Bank Account

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"Swiss Bank Account" highlights Mitt Romney's belief that a strong economy is built on outsourcing, loopholes and risky financial deals. As a corporate CEO, he shipped American jobs to places like Mexico and China. As governor, Romney outsourced state jobs to India, and now as a candidate for president he is pushing tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

Romney's economic scheme stands in stark contrast with President Obama's efforts to continue moving the country forward by rebuilding an economy that's meant to last, by out-building, out-innovating and out-educating the rest of the world, and making the things the rest of the world buys by closing loopholes and providing incentives that are bringing jobs back to America.

President Obama at the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner

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President Obama at the 2012 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Mitt Romney: In the tank for Big Oil

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He's the two hundred million dollar man, and Big Oil's fingerprints are all over him.

Big Oil has pledged $200 million to help Mitt Romney, and Romney's pledged to protect their profits and billions in special tax breaks.

So when you fill up your tank, remember who's in the tank for Big Oil: Mitt Romney: The $200 Million Man.

Romney: The Most Inexperienced Candidate in Generations


Speaking at the national NRA convention recently, Mitt Romney made a curious boast. "I am running for president because I have the experience and the vision to lead us in a different direction."

Curiously, if one counts-up the years of experience in public office and active-duty military service for all of the recent major-party nominees we find that Romney has less experience in public service than any modern presidential candidate!

Tell Mitt Romney: Kittens Are Cute. 1% Fat Cats? Not So Much.

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President Obama's Buffett Rule would require millionaires and billionaires to pay the same tax rate as the rest of us.

The Romney Rule lets fat cats rig the system, so they pay less and pass on the burden to hardworking Americans like you and me.

Romney's World View

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Mitt Romney paid less taxes than many middle-class families last year. Now he wants to cut services to pay for a new $150,000 tax cut for the one percent. Are these your priorities?

How Did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? Robert Reich Explains

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How exactly did Mitt Romney Get So Obscenely Rich? Robert Reich explains The Magic of Private Equity in 8 Easy Steps

War on Caterpillars? Women are Watching

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From 2011-2012, legislators in all 50 states introduced more than 1,500 measures targeting women's health, and 130 anti-women's health measure have already become law. The fact of the matter is the attacks on women's health are not fiction.

Romney's Big Oil Trail

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The money Big Oil makes from high gas prices is going right into Mitt Romney's campaign.

Martin Sheen: Stand Up for Medicare

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Help us reach 1 million signatures telling Republican that ending the Medicare guarantee for seniors to pay for tax breaks for special interests and the wealthy is unacceptable at
