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Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney's Just Like Rick Santorum

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Tell Mitt Romney and every other candidate for office that you won't stand by while they try to tear down Planned Parenthood and turn back the clock on women's health. Take the pledge:

Stephanie Cutter: Get the facts on Karl Rove's BS

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Stephanie Cutter shares the facts against the latest ad put out by Karl Rove and his Super PAC: Crossroads.

Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, supports President Obama

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 Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, supports President Obama because he believes in women and trusts women to make responsible decisions. She notes the strong contrast between the positions of President Obama and the Republican party leadership who seem to want to put government in between women and their doctors.

Heads or Tails

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Pat Wells: "With Romney and Bain Capital the objective was to make money."

Reuters 1/6/2012: "The mill was padlocked and 750 people lost their jobs."

Pat Wells: "Whether the companies they came in and worked with was irrelevant. Bain Capital always made money."


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Kansas City's GST Steel had been making steel rods for 105 years when Romney and his partners took control in 1993. They cut corners and extracted profit from the business at every turn, placing it deeply in debt.

"Congratulations Mitt Romney!" - War On Women Part 2

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The women from MoveOn's first War on Women ad are speaking out again. And this time, they're congratulating Mitt Romney?

Mitt Romney Versus Reality: Auto Recovery Edition

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Mitt Romney continues to distort reality in this edition of "Mitt Romney versus Reality"

"This fantasy that the auto bailout was Romney’s idea is beyond lunacy in light of the intense criticism he leveled at the President just a couple of months ago when he said “the president tells us that without his intervention things in Detroit would be worse. I believe that without his intervention things there would be better.” In 2008, Romney said, “IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye,” and in 2012 he argued that “Obama should have let the free market work and allowed GM and Chrysler to go through a managed bankruptcy” which is what he now claims the President did with the bailout that is not remotely what a managed bankruptcy entails. A managed bankruptcy is more akin to a Chapter 11 bankruptcy that involves reorganization of a debtor’s business affairs and assets but it does not include a bailout by the government that Romney assailed as “crony capitalism on a grand scale.”

Bill Maher Criticizes Mitt Romney's Donations To Mormon Church

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During last week's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the irreverent comedian blasted GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for donating money to the Mormon Church rather than to a more worthy charity. Instead of reining in his attacks on Romney and Mormonism, he sharpened his criticism during his New Rules segment in Friday's broadcast of HBO's political comedy show.

Get the facts on Mitt Romney, Big Oil, and the Koch Brothers

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Stephanie Cutter, Deputy Campaign Manager, shares the facts about Big Oil's latest attack.

Favorite Quotes

We are very powerful people who need to keep our lives as private as possible to protect our image. There is no reason we need to give more than what is legally necessary or considered adequate. Mitt and I live our lives as we always have, and of course we think we’re above the law. We have bought our way out of several risky situations. It’s amazing what a little clever accounting can do.