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Mitt Romney

Soledad O'Brien, Romney Adviser Argue Romney's Positions On Israel

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Soledad O'Brien, Romney Adviser Argue Romney's contradictory Positions on Israel

Gibbs: Romney was "Fundamentally Dishonest" at Debate

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Romney was "Fundamentally Dishonest" at the first Presidential Debate.

Fact checks on 1st 2012 Presidential Debate:

Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking along...

Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking along. They see a sign: "Contest for World's Most Beautiful Woman." Snow White goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing a crown.

They walk along and see another sign: "Contest for World's Strongest Man." Superman goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing the belt.

They walk along and see a sign: "Contest for World's Greatest Liar." Pinocchio goes in, later comes out with his head down crying. "Who the hell is Mitt Romney?" Pinocchio sobs.

Read why at the Washington Post - Dueling studies in new ads by Romney and Obama

Mitt Romney's Disdain For The Middle Class: He Said It, He Meant It

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Remember when Mitt Romney said 47% of Americans are "victims" who don't "take responsibility for their lives"? Seventeen days after it leaked, he's saying he didn't mean a word of it.

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President Obama on the First Debate: "Romney was fact-checked by his own campaign."

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President Obama in Fairfax,Virginia on October 5th, 2012

"My opponent has a different view. The other night, he said he would repeal Obamacare as soon as he took office.

[Crowd boos] don't boo -- vote. Vote.

[Applause] vote. But then he backtracked and said, no, wait, at least that will make sure to cover folks with pre-existing conditions. Then I explained, well, actually, your plan does not do that. That his campaign had to come out and say, actually, that is not true, our plan would not do that. So Governor Romney was the fact- checked by his own campaign. That is rough. That is rough.

[Applause] Even they know his plan would take away coverage for tens of millions of Americans. Governor Romney said he would get rid of planned parenthood funding. Apparently, this, along with big bird, is a driving the deficits."

Mitt Romney Didn't Tell the Truth About Medicare

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Mitt Romney didn't tell the truth about Medicare.

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Mitt Romney Misled Voters About President Obama's Clean Energy Record

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Mitt Romney misled voters about President Obama's clean energy record.

"If we can't trust him on the debate stage, how could we trust him in the Oval Office?"

Mitt Romney's Misleading Health Care Plan

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Mitt Romney misled Americans about his health care plan.

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President Obama on Mitt Romney: His Extreme Makeover, His Tax Loopholes and Big Bird

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President Obama shares his thoughts on Mitt Romney's extreme makeover, his tax loopholes and Big Bird.

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If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."
