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Mitt Romney

FDR: Warning About Today's Republicans

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt tells the truth about the leaders of the modern Republican party. Somehow, in 1936, he foresaw what would be happening NOW.

Easier as a Latino? Actually...

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Mitt thinks he'd have a better chance of become president if he was Latino. In the first video of the Actually... series Rosie Perez explains why it will take more than being Latino for Mitt to win the election.

President Clinton Explains Mitt Romney's $5 Trillion Tax Cut

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President Clinton explains Mitt Romney's $5 trillion tax cut and how middle class families with children will get an average tax increase of $2,000 to pay for $250,000 in tax cuts for multi-millionaires.

As President Clinton shares: "In the first debate, Governor Romney said that he wasn't really going to cut taxes on upper income people—he only wanted to cut taxes for middle class people. That's not true."

Don't be Fooled

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We asked people to compare Mitt Romney's real positions with the ones he's claimed to support in the final weeks of the campaign.

The Real Mitt Romney: Remember What He's Said Before

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During the Republican primary, Mitt Romney held a lot of town hall meetings where he explained his extremely conservative positions—the same one's he's trying to hide now because his advisors said they're electorally "suicidal."

Actually... the truth matters (NSFW)

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When lies go unchecked, we all lose. spreads the truth, because the truth matters—even in politics. Our team calls 'em like they see 'em, and we hope you'll support the truth by sharing videos before Election Day.

Mike Allen: Number Of Painfully Awkward Moments For Romney

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POLITICO Live - October 16th, 2012. Mike Allen: Number Of Painfully Awkward Moments For Romney

El Mittster

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Mitt Romney told the 1 percent that he wanted to be Latino. Gee, I believe him...
