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Mitt Romney: The story of two men trapped in one body

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Q: Which politician is the polar opposite of Mitt Romney?
A: Mitt Romney.

Mitt v. Mitt, The story of two men trapped in one body. Learn more at

Health Care Hypocrites

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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Republicans ought to forgo their taxpayer-funded health care coverage before trying to repeal health insurance reform for hard-working Americans. In other words, if you believe taxpayers should not help those who can't afford insurance -- then why should taxpayers fund your health insurance plan?

Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interview B-Roll

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Some interview footage that didn't make it in our original film covering Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally, linked here:

  And before you comment or message to let me know: Koch is pronounced Coke. My guess was incorrect.

Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants

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On August 28, 2010, Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally was held on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The purpose of the rally, which Beck claimed to be "non-political" despite featuring Tea Party-favorite Sarah Palin as a speaker and its being attended entirely by conservatives, was unclear.

Tax Day Tea Party 2010

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On Thursday, April 15, Tea Partiers from around the country gathered in the nation's capital to protest what they perceived to be egregious increases in taxation under the Obama administration, despite taxes having actually been lowered for 98% of working Americans.

The usual anti-science and nativist rhetoric, and praise of Fox News personalities, ensued.

The Tea Party & The Circus - Final Healthcare Reform Protest

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On March 16, 2010, Tea Partiers from around the country gathered (in disappointing numbers) in front of the Capitol building for their final protest against health care reform. Also in town, appropriately, was Barnum & Bailey's actual circus.

Tea Party Convention - Sarah Palin, Orly Taitz, Interviews with Participants

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In February 2010, the group Tea Party Nation organized the first Tea Party Convention in Nashville, TN, a for-profit event. Some 600 people paid $550 to attend, and Sarah Palin was reportedly paid $115,000 to the be the keynote speaker. After criticism of the convention's cost, for-profit status, and payment to Palin, multiple national Tea Party organizations withdrew their participation.

The Democratic Party has Good Leadership

I am so thankful for the leadership of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama. We Democrats have prevailed with the narrowest of margins and have two meaningful bills to reform heath insurance that now await reconciliation and final passage into law. We are not there yet, and we know we will have absolutely no help from the reactionary party. The question remains, will the left of our party in the House join forces with the Republicans to scuttle this historic first step if it doesn't have a public option for the currently uninsured.

Response to those Democrats crying "kill the bill"

Politics is still the art of the possible. But for the progressives who are so agitated over the fact that we do not have the votes in the Senate to get the either the public option or Medicare buy-in, have preferred to burn down the house, commit a public and "honorhealth careable hari-kari", vilify their leadership, and set the Democratic Party up for a fractured and weakened status to confront the many important issues before our nation.

Sarah Palin Book Signing - Interviews with Supporters

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On November 20, 2009, Sarah Palin visited Columbus, OH as part of her book signing tour for "Going Rogue." When her supporters were asked broad questions about why they thought she should be president, the responses were vague: She's "real." She'll "stick up for America."
