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Finding our voice

Democrats Must Find Their Voice and Challege Republican Lies

As the Party of No moves even farther to the Right it displays an even harder edge to their attacks. Most Democrats have shied away from confrontation and hope that the Republican extreme and patently false statements will not be bought by the electorate. We should know better by now. The reactionary philosophy of the Republican Party is not shared by the majority of Americans so the Republicans don't waste much time on that until they secure an election and are able to have their way to promote or protect their special interests, Their winning formula is to divide or suppress the Democratic vote and manipulate public opinion using wedge issues and massive negative advertizing. The negative advertizing is then repeated ad nauseum as "talking points" by prominent spokesmen and Fox News all the way down to the tea party folk. The most troubling thing is there is no brake on their spin and manipulation, and they are getting better and better at demonizing government in general and the Democratic administration in particular. 
