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Rodrigo Rios - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America

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Rodrigo Rios es originario de Ibague, Colombia donde creció con sus padres y seis hermanos. Se recibió como licenciado en Informática de la Universidad de Los Andes en Colombia, y trabajó unos años en su país natal antes de mudarse al Sur de Florida hace 14 años. Hoy, vive en el Sur de la Florida con su esposa y tres hijas. Trabaja para una empresa de networking de tecnología y es encargado de la distribuición de servicios a América Latina. Desde antes de las elecciones primarias del 2008, Rodrigo ha sido partidario del Presidente Obama y actualemente es voluntario con Organizing for America.

Elena Vidal McCullough - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America

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Elena McCullough es madre de dos hijos, veterana, y líder de un equipo de vecindario en OFA-Florida en Tampa Bay. Sirvió en la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos por 24 años, y se jubiló con puesto de Teniente. Es beneficiaria del Post 9/11 GI Bill, y le otorgará dichos beneficios a sus hijos, para que los usen para sus estudios universitarios. Elena participa activamente en la comunidad de veteranos y como voluntaria en la campaña del Presidente Obama para correr la voz de los logros del Presidente para la comunidad hispana.


Mitt Romney's Just Like Rick Santorum

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Tell Mitt Romney and every other candidate for office that you won't stand by while they try to tear down Planned Parenthood and turn back the clock on women's health. Take the pledge:

The President and First Lady Announce the 2012 Launch of Veterans and Military Families for Obama

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 President Obama: "The most humbling part of my job is serving is serving as Commander in Chief of the world's finest military. And there's nothing I take more seriously than my responsibility to those who sacrifice their own safety to defend ours. That's why Michelle and I have made supporting veterans and military families a top priority from the start."

Letters to the President: The Dreams of Our Daughters

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Dear President Obama,

I'm a mother of two young daughters: Daisy is six and Caroline is almost ten. My six-year-old would like to be a doctor for dolphins and my ten-year-old dreams of becoming a jet fighter pilot.

Caroline is so committed to her dream that she sets her alarm at 5:00 every morning so she'll be prepared for her military service.

I love that my daughters dream so big and see no limits to their future. Watching their dreams unfold everyday is one of the unique pleasures of being a mom.

Jim Messina: April Fundraising & Paths to 270 Update

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 Hey everybody. I'm Jim Messina, the President's campaign manager. I wanted to give you a quick update on what we've been up to this month, and what that's going to mean between now and November.

We had 169,500 first-time donors in April—putting us within reach of 2 million donors this election cycle. And here's my favorite part: our average donation was $50.23, with 98 percent of those donations $250 or less. That makes our campaign different, and it's how we're going to build a winning organization across the country.

Katherine Archuleta - "Why I'm Here"

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Katherine Archuleta is serving as President Obama's National Political Director for very personal reasons. At 19 years old her daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Republicans' Majority Is In Jeopardy

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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) released a web video, "In Jeopardy," featuring reaction to Speaker John Boehner's stunning admission that the House Republican Majority is in jeopardy. Boehner said Republicans face "real challenge" in this November's election and could lose the House.

Is Jesse Kelly Listening to You?

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On Social Security, Jesse Kelly said, "I'd love to eliminate the program." He also said he'd work to eliminate Medicare over time. At the same time, he said he's cut taxes in half for millionaires.

Jesse Kelly Said He Would Eliminate Medicare Over Time

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DCCC TV Ad in the Special Election for Arizona's 8th District: Jesse Kelly said he would eliminate Medicare over time [Tucson Weekly, 12/02/09] For more on Kelly's plans to eliminate Social Security and Medicare while cutting taxes for millionaires, watch this video:
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