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"Two Plans"

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The choice on taxes.

Mitt Romney's plan: A twenty five percent tax cut for millionaires, tax breaks for oil companies and corporations that ship jobs overseas, but a tax hike for 18 million working families.

President Obama's plan: ask the wealthy to pay a little more so the middle class pays less, eliminate oil subsidies and tax breaks for companies that outsource."

Two plans. Your choice.

Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference

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Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference in Nevada.

Vice President Biden at La Raza: Romney "Wants You To Show Your Papers, But He Won't Show Us His"

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In his remarks to The National Council of La Raza today, Vice President Joe Biden addressed Mitt Romney's refusal to release additional tax returns that could shed light on his offshore accounts and investments in foreign tax havens.

"And this is a man who says President Barack Obama is out of touch. Out of touch with the needs of the American people. This coming from a man who until recently had a Swiss bank account and millions of dollars invested in the Grand Cayman Islands beyond security -- beyond scrutiny. And President Obama is out of touch?

Why is Mitt Romney Hiding the Rest of His Tax Returns?

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Mitt Romney is defying calls to release more than one year's worth of tax returns. The Romney campaign response? "Just take our word for it." So why is Mitt Romney hiding the rest of his tax returns? How long can Romney keep information on his investments in overseas tax havens secret? And why did he do it in the first place? Time will tell.

Vice President Joe Biden Speaks At The National Education Association Assembly

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Vice President Joe Biden Speaks at the National Education Association Assembly.

Are you in? http://OFA.BO/7ZwTeW

Lucas, Iraq War Veteran from Iowa, Supports President Obama

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Lucas, an Iraq War veteran who served with the Iowa National Guard, leads supporters in the Pledge of Allegiance at one of President Obama's grassroots events. He shares why he supports the President and how President Obama continues to make sure veterans are cared for.

Congressman Bobby Schilling: Protecting Insurance Companies Over Middle Class Families

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Congressman Schilling may strip away critical consumer protections that stop insurance companies from dropping coverage for people just because they get sick, and benefits that provide preventative breast cancer screenings for women and reduce the costs of prescription drugs for seniors.

Congressman Dan Lungren: Protecting Insurance Companies Over Middle Class Families

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Congressman Lungren may strip away critical consumer protections that stop insurance companies from dropping coverage for people just because they get sick, and benefits that provide preventative breast cancer screenings for women and reduce the costs of prescription drugs for seniors.

Congresswoman Nan Hayworth: Protecting Insurance Companies Over Middle Class Families

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Congresswoman Nan Hayworth may strip away critical consumer protections that stop insurance companies from dropping coverage for people just because they get sick, and benefits that provide preventative breast cancer screenings for women and reduce the costs of prescription drugs for seniors.

Congressman Chris Gibson: Protecting Insurance Companies Over Middle Class Families

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Congressman Chris Gibson may strip away critical consumer protections that stop insurance companies from dropping coverage for people just because they get sick, and benefits that provide preventative breast cancer screenings for women and reduce the costs of prescription drugs for seniors.