You are hereeconomy


The Difference Between You and a Corporation

See video

If you agree that we can't allow American taxpayers to be robbed by 16 international corporations who pay to manipulate our government so that we pay more, and they pay less to operate it, please use the tools you have at your disposal — your social network — to share this video and make the truth go viral.

One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It's hard to tell the truth from comedy ----

A Modest Proposal for Healthcare Reform

Sadly, it appears that the Republicans have successfully "starved the beast". The phrase refers to the Republican strategy of cutting the revenue stream (taxes) to the Federal government so the government can not afford new social programs. Why Americans would vote for politicians who refer to our government as a "beast" and actively campaign to destroy it is beyond me and is a topic for another time.

Today, the economic crisis created by deregulation of the financial services industry and an unjustified trust in free markets whose only goal is short-term profit has left the next President severely handicapped. There is now intense pressure on the revenue stream because of the nationalization of the banking industry (I never thought I would write that), endless spending on a war of choice in Iraq, and economic depression that will require additional spending to assist individuals and local governments. It will be difficult to nearly impossible to pass any meaningful healthcare reforms if it involves federal spending.
