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The #GOPSequester: Defenseless
DNC Video: "The #GOPSequester: Defenseless"
President Obama talks about reducing gun violence, fatherhood at Hyde Park Academy
President Obama talks about reducing gun violence, fatherhood at Hyde Park Academy, February 15, 2013
President Obama Speaks on the Economy and Middle-Class Tax Cuts
President Obama delivers remarks at the Daimler Detroit Diesel Plant. December 10, 2012.
I'm Not an Economist, but...
You don't have to be an economist to know what $2,000 means to middle-class families. Share your story at or on twitter using the hashtag #My2k
Understanding the Fiscal Cliff
Acclaimed author, Berkeley professor, and Clinton-era Secretary of Labor Robert Reich lays out the what, why and how of the Fiscal "Cliff", the showdown in Congress that Republicans created to demand painful cuts in vital domestic programs in exchange for raising taxes on the top 2%. Learn the facts, and the best way out of this forced showdown.
President Obama Discusses Growing the Economy and Reducing the Deficit
President Obama makes a statement about the action we need to take to keep America's economy growing, while at the same time reducing our deficits. November 9, 2012.
President Obama: Keep Pushing Forward
President Obama was in Hilliard, Ohio where he shared how he'll fight for the middle class and how we've come to far to turn back now.
Vice President Joe Biden: Catholics for Obama
Vice President Joe Biden shares how President Obama shares the values of the Catholics and why it's important for you to vote to help re-elect him for a second term. For all the information that you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/RYmaYy
Where Did the Debt Come From?
We hear a lot about our debt. And it is a pressing issue. But where did it come from? Michael Linden, the Center for American Progress's Director of Tax and Budget Policy, looks at what happened in the 10-years since the Congressional Budget Office projected a massive surplus.