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Democratic National Convention

Democratic National Convention / Obama For America - Gotta Vote Bus Tour: Iowa

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New Democratic National Convention / Obama For America - Gotta Vote Bus Tour: Iowa

Presidente de la Convención Nacional Demócrata Antonio Villaraigosa: "Alcé Su Voz y Participe"

See video

Del cuatro de septiembre al seis, estadounidenses del todo el país se reunirán -- en persona o virtualmente -- para tomar parte en la Convención Nacional Demócrata y participar en conversaciones de como mover nuestro país adelante. Ahora es el tiempo de alzar la voz y participar -- sea desde Charlotte con el Presidente Obama o viendo por televisión desde casa.

Convention Night at the Headquarters

Okay, I admit it.  I spent more time watching the tv than taking pictures.

Democratic Convention watching party at the Rosenberg Headquarters We munched on hot dogs and apple pie at both Fort Bend Democrats headquarters while watching Obama make the greatest convention speech in history.
You can find more pictures here of the early crowd.  Sorry I didn't take many once everyone got there.  I'll try harder next time! Blockwalking starts tomorrow and our Kickoff event is on Sunday Afternoon.  It's a great time to be a Democrat!

Getting to Denver

If you're a Democrat, and who isn't these days?, you want to attend this historic national Democratic convention in Denver. No matter which of our candidates becomes the nomine, this will be the convention that your grandchildren will ask you about one day.

If you've already got August 25 - 28 circled on your calendar and are saving your money to go, there are several ways to get to the convention:
