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Corporations Are People
In the third video of the Actually... series, Sarah Silverman and Lizz Winstead break down the difference between corporations and people. Mitt Romney thinks they are the same.
LABOLT: President Obama's Delivered, Romney's Offering "Blunder & Bluster" On Foreign Policy
LABOLT: President Obama's Delivered, Romney's Offering "Blunder & Bluster" On Foreign Policy
AXELROD: Romney's Record Of Hiring Women At Bain, As Governor Was Poor
David Axelrod: Romney's Record Of Hiring Women At Bain, As Governor Was Poor
Mitt Romney's Trouble Relating to Women
Mitt Romney has trouble relating to women. He refuses to take a position on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Would allow employers to deny women birth control coverage. Wants to eliminate Planned Parenthood funding.
Mitt Romney just doesn't get it.
Mitt Romney: "We all like school teachers. It's a wonderful thing... But hiring school teachers is not going to raise the growth of the U.S. economy"
Voiceover: "Mitt Romney on education."
Romney Surrogate Rubio Calls Romney's Medicare Voucherizing Plan "Disruptive"
10/21/12, NBC, Meet the Press. Romney Surrogate Rubio Calls Romney's Medicare Voucherizing Plan "Disruptive".
CUTTER: Romney's "Severely Conservative" Positions "Don't Simply Disappear"
10/21/12 CBS Face the Nation. Stephanie Cutter: Romney's "Severely Conservative" Positions "Don't Simply Disappear."
Kerry: Tonight the Mitt Romney Campaign Began To Unravel
Kerry: Tonight the Mitt Romney Campaign Began To Unravel