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By DemAdmin - Posted on 21 October 2012

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Mitt Romney: "We all like school teachers. It's a wonderful thing... But hiring school teachers is not going to raise the growth of the U.S. economy"

Voiceover: "Mitt Romney on education."

Mitt Romney: "All the talk about we need smaller classroom size, look that's promoted by the teachers unions to hire more teachers."

Voiceover: "President Obama has a different view. He believes smaller class sizes and great teachers are a key to a stronger economy and a stronger middle class."

Favorite Quotes

“We must also act promptly to improve the health of our nation. The women of the country particularly know, in many areas there are not enough doctors or hospitals, and that many families cannot afford the medical care they need. This administration has proposed a program of improved medical care. Some parts of this program, such as an expanded health care for school children and additional aid for hospital construction have already passed the Senate.