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2012 Election

Israelis on Obama

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Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told CNN in July 2012 that he thought Obama Administration was "doing more than anything he could remember in the past" for Israel's security. We asked some Israelis what they thought Barak meant...

Israelis on Obama

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Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told CNN in July 2012 that he thought Obama Administration was "doing more than anything he could remember in the past" for Israel's security. We asked some Israelis what they thought Barak meant...

President Obama: Commit to Vote

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President Obamas shares the importance of this election. To commit to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/7TvdKj


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"Clear Victory for the President"
"President Obama Gets the Victory in This"
"I Don't Think Anyone Could Say Governor Romney Won This Debate"
"The President Won"
"A Big Night for the President"
"When You're Explaining You're Losing and the Republicans are the Ones Tonight Doing the Explaining."

Romney's Way

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Last night we saw what happens when things don't go Romney's way.

President Obama on Romney's Immigration Plan - 2012 Presidential Debate in Hempstead, New York

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Excerpt from the 2012 Presidential Town Hall Debate in Hempstead, New York: President Obama on Romney's Immigration Plan

President Obama on Energy and the Environment - 2012 Presidential Debate in Hempstead, New York

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Excerpt from the 2012 Presidential Town Hall Debate in Hempstead, New York: President Obama on Energy and the Environment

President Obama: Giving Middle Class Families Relief - 2012 Debate in Hempstead, New York

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Excerpt from the 2012 Presidential Town Hall Debate in Hempstead, New York - President Obama: Giving Middle Class Families Relief

President Clinton: Romney's Hiding The Truth From The American People

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PRESIDENT CLINTON: Now, the last thing could say is, I had a lot of fun down at the Democratic Convention talking about arithmetic. But I listened very carefully to the Vice Presidential debate and to the second Presidential debate, and Mr.

We Are Women - Vote 2012

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The Greater Houston Section of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) has launched a re-make of Helen Reddy's feminist anthem "I Am Woman" to unite women of all ages today in the fight for access to reproductive healthcare, secured over forty years ago. The new song and video production, "We Are Women," uses powerful lyrics and facts to encourage women all over the U.S.

Favorite Quotes

What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican party?  I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things ­ every one.
