You are hereWe Are Women - Vote 2012

We Are Women - Vote 2012

By DemAdmin - Posted on 17 October 2012

See video

The Greater Houston Section of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) has launched a re-make of Helen Reddy's feminist anthem "I Am Woman" to unite women of all ages today in the fight for access to reproductive healthcare, secured over forty years ago. The new song and video production, "We Are Women," uses powerful lyrics and facts to encourage women all over the U.S. to vote for candidates who will defend women's freedom and quality of life on November 6, 2012.
Liz Morris, a member of Houston's Career Branch, witnessed how powerful the song, "I Am Woman," was to her generation of women who sought to change their status in the workforce and recalls the danger women faced without access to legal reproductive healthcare. Galvanized by the closing of health clinics that primarily serve low income women in Texas, she sought permission to re-make Helen Reddy's song for a video to reach women today, some of whom are too young to remember the original power of song.

Reddy offered her support for the video project, "A lot of things that women have gained during the`70s have been lost. And while many American history high-school textbooks include a whole chapter on feminism, often including mention of the "I Am Woman" song, it is time to re-ignite the message."

With minimal funding and a small group of experts, Morris' vision was realized in the form of a youtube video, "We Are Women," that uses an R&B genre song with shots of women singing along in Houston's Discovery Green Park.

"The issues of reproductive healthcare and access to contraception impact us all -- no matter our age, our background or our financial status-- because they affect the economic future and quality of life for all American women and their families," stated Liz Morris.

Punctuated by eye opening facts, the We Are Women video illustrates how regressive policies are threatening women's lives. According the Brookings Institute, unintended pregnancies cost $12 billion annually in publically financed healthcare. With the economy a hot button in this election, women's healthcare is another factor in this equation.

In the 2008 election, 10 million more women than men voted, according to the center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. NCJW invites women to add their voice to the chorus, view the video and share it with others. Visit the Take Action tab at to view We Are Women credits and sources.

NCJW Greater Houston offers special thanks to music producer, Mitch Burman, Sugarhill Studios, musicians, Astrid Nora and Derek Dunivan, video producer, John Ahrens and Discovery Green Park.
About NCJW

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. For more information, visit


Note: This adaptation is performed with permission of Helen Reddy and the copyright holders: Irving Music, Inc./Buggerlugs Music Co.

Helen Reddy Re-make, We Are Women to Unite Women Voters
